Top 10 Reasons to Join a Bowling League
The Most Compelling Positives of League Bowling
By Jef Goodger, About.com Guide
League bowling is one of the most popular recreational sports in the United States. If you’re not a league bowler, chances are you know one, even if you don’t think you do. League bowling has given many hours of joy (and frustration) to people since the inception of the sport, and continues to do so.
There are leagues available for all types of bowlers. If you’re one of the best bowlers in the area, there’s a league for you. If you don’t care about winning at all, there’s a league for you. If you and your significant other want an activity you can do together, there are couples leagues for you. On top of all the leagues bowling alleys administer, you can usually set up your own league at your own center. Bowl the way you want with the people you want.
Still not convinced? Here are the top 10 reasons to join a bowling league:
1 / The Characters
You won’t believe it until you see it. Even then, you might not believe it. League bowling brings out some of the most colorful, interesting, baffling personalities in the world. You have no idea these people are in your community until you join a bowling league. From unbelievably talented bowlers to inexplicably strange humans, you get a cross-section of society you didn’t realize existed.
2 / Camaraderie
Typically, you’ll find the word “camaraderie” thrown around in team sports, particularly hockey. People past their primes play the games so they can relive the locker-room banter and hilarity. Bowling is no different (except it all happens in the stinky bowling alley rather than the stinky locker room). Bowling leagues, especially with your friends (or strangers who will become your friends), are great ways to spend a few hours a week.
3 / Fun
Bowling is fun. Whether league bowling or not, it’s fun to bowl. Joining a league keeps you accountable to yourself – you’re going to bowl at least once a week.
4 / Money
Small-time gambling is acceptable in most bowling leagues. Often, half your league fees go toward your bowling and the other half goes toward the prize fund. At the end of the season, you and your team will receive prize money based on where you finish. Individual prizes are usually up for grabs, too. Other ways to win a pittance during league bowling involve card games and strike pots.
5 / Fitness
You can get fit by bowling? Common perception and stereotypes would suggest you can’t. And if bowling once a week is the only bit of exercise you get, then don’t expect a sculpted physique by the end of the season. Still, repeatedly hurling a heavy sphere requires strength and endurance, and you can burn a significant number of calories bowling.
6 / Pizza
Counteract the exercise with pizza. Many bowling leagues will help you relive your childhood pizza parties by giving you adult pizza parties. Actually, the pizza detracts from not only the fitness point, but also the money, as the pizza is usually funded by the prize money. For those 2-3 nights a year, though, it tastes great. Never mind you’re counteracting the exercise portion while cutting into your prize fund – it’s delicious.
7 / Television
If bowling isn’t enough for you, many bowling alleys have TVs playing whatever most of you want to watch (typically sports). Depending on the time of your league, you can watch entire hockey and baseball games while bowling.
8 / USBC Membership
You’ll be a part of the United States Bowling Congress, which costs about $25 a year. Membership qualifies you for award magnets, patches, towels, or similar items, and gives you discounts with various merchants, including hotels and rental cars.
9 / Relaxation
Except on the nights during which you’re bowling so poorly you find yourself doing anything but relaxing, the sport can give you a nice respite from the work day or work week. Show up, relax, throw a few frames, and have fun
10 / Status
“Yeah. I bowl.” You’ll be amazed by how many people are impressed when they find out you bowl in a league.